Quantum Healing Hypnosis
Ever been hypnotized? If you have, you know it’s pretty hard to describe the feeling! When you’re hypnotized, you might find that you’re awake and aware, yet detached from your surroundings and focused on inner experiences and feelings. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) takes hypnosis much further into the experimental and metaphysical realm.
Holistic Practices to Build the Immune System
When we are imbalanced within our mind, emotions, and our spirit our physical body will automatically be affected. The immune system drops dramatically when we feel heavy emotions such as anxiety, worry, fear, grief, or anger. This also leads to the person experiencing a depression, which in turn added to the further declining health of the immune system of the individual. When we are off in our minds, emotions, and our spirit our immune system becomes compromised and we are more prone to get sick.
Native American and Ancient Healing
The word “healing” is used in many ways, but to the Native American it is more than just fending off of invading disease. To them it refers to the body regenerating itself after injury or illness, but it also takes into account that our bodies are not separate from our thoughts, emotions, or soul. For this reason, healing takes on a deeper meaning in the Native American traditions.
Feeling Your Healing
Healing with natural methods do not occur in a linear fashion. By that, I mean there will be periods of improvement and there will be periods of relapse. There will be times when we’re on top of the world. There will also be times when we plateau and seem to make no progress.
How I Overcame Disability
My journey from chronic pain and disability began in 1999 when I was diagnosed with arthritis in my left hip. The treatment was an NSAID and at first it seemed to help a lot. But, over the next few months the pain increased and I needed the help of a cane to walk…
My Personal Story of Inspiration
At the age of 31, I started to experience some weird happenings with my body. My first thought was that I was now over 30, therefore it would be normal to have a certain amount of aging signs. When I started to fall more regularly and was experiencing some numbness and tingling in my right leg I decided that it was time to go see the doctor…
The Shamans Way of Healing
Find out how Shamanism, reiki, and other forms of energy work can help you to achieve balance in your health journey.