Quantum Healing Hypnosis
Ever been hypnotized? If you have, you know it’s pretty hard to describe the feeling! When you’re hypnotized, you might find that you’re awake and aware, yet detached from your surroundings and focused on inner experiences and feelings. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) takes hypnosis much further into the experimental and metaphysical realm.
Forgiveness is Wellness
Forgiveness can be a powerful tool in boosting one’s immune system. When we experience being wronged or disrespected or abused by someone, whether physically or emotionally, our brain manufactures chemicals that are designed to protect and defend us. Our brain does not distinguish between emotional or physical attacks and will react this way to either situation.
Native American and Ancient Healing
The word “healing” is used in many ways, but to the Native American it is more than just fending off of invading disease. To them it refers to the body regenerating itself after injury or illness, but it also takes into account that our bodies are not separate from our thoughts, emotions, or soul. For this reason, healing takes on a deeper meaning in the Native American traditions.
Reiki For Everyday Life
So many of my clients have never heard of Reiki, therefore are shocked when they first experience it. In my professional opinion, I think we ALL could use some basic knowledge in Reiki, for this is a system that we all have the innate ability to do on ourselves and others…
The Shamans Way of Healing
Find out how Shamanism, reiki, and other forms of energy work can help you to achieve balance in your health journey.