Natural Allergy Relief
Natural allergy relief begins with a thorough understanding of an individual's unique triggers and physiology. Today, the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology estimates more than 35 million Americans have allergies. Why those people suffer while others do not is a complex mix of genetics and personal history. Everything from geographic location and home environment to stress can influence the severity and presence of allergies. Understanding how those things add up to an allergic response can help guide a more individual approach to care.
It may seem like an obvious place to begin, but is always worth asking, “What can I do to avoid the allergen?” Many people will find they have more options that they think. A few great avoidance strategies:
Closing windows
Installing HEPA filters in bedrooms
Covering bedding, box springs, and pillows with dust and mite covers
Staying indoors
Avoiding known locations for allergens (e.g., open fields, parks, river parkways)
Yes, moving is an option for those that are experiencing a certain allergic reaction to specific plants in the area that they are living. Moving to an area that does not have those plants can be a great idea for those that can’t find relief through other natural measures. For instance, if you have an allergy to Hay you may not want to be living in the country around Hay fields. If you are allergic to Cottonwood trees, then you may want to live in an area that doesn’t have those kinds of trees.
As far as treating allergies naturally, there are a few ways to consider. Such as:
Homeopathy: Like desensitization therapies, homeopathy users consume low doses of a natural substance. The difference is that the substance in homeopathy is related to the symptoms as opposed to the allergen source.
Quercetin: A naturally-derived bioflavonoid that, like the prescription drug Cromolyn Sodium, helps stabilize the immune response and inhibit the release of histamine.
Herbs: Nettles are natural anti-histamines that can help with congestion. Do not, however, take nettles in any form if a nettle allergy is suspected. Anti-microbial herbs such as golden root and grapefruit seed extract may help prevent and treat resulting sinus infections, as well. As always, people should consult with a doctor or trained herbalist to discuss any possible interactions with current medications or conditions.
Saline Nasal Rinses: Regular rinses (once or twice a day) can flush away allergens, reduce nasal symptoms and help prevent infection.
Water: The more water, the better. Drinking plenty of water helps thin mucus and clears the body of irritants.
Rest and Relaxation: Stress makes allergies worse. It causes our immune systems to overreact and spin out of control. Make time to de-stress on a regular basis and your allergies won't be as bad.
Essential Oils: Mixing or using individually the right oils for allergy relief (Lavender, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Ravensara, Eucalyptus, Tea tree, Peppermint, and Lemon) is easy and can be used by:
diffusing them into the air
using them in bath and spa products
applying them to the skin when diluted
spraying them into the air
breathing them indirectly from the container
All of these natural resources are a great way to either stay away from or treat your allergies naturally, without having to resort to taking the over-the-counter or prescription medications that many think are the only way to take care of this sometimes annoying issue. Becoming more familiar with these natural allergy relief strategies and remedies are a great way to control your own allergies in a holistic way.
By, Stephanie Fredricksen