Shamanic Series Workshops

What is Shamanism?

The term Shamanism originates in Mongolia, but Anthropologists who studied the ancient traditions of the Mongolian tribes started using the word Shaman in the last century to describe the healer of the tribe. Shamanism has been found to exist all over the world in every ancient culture. Sandra Ingerman in Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of a Shamanic Life wrote, “Shamanism is an ancient universal spiritual practice that dates back over a hundred thousand years… as shamanism has been practiced all over the world, you most likely have personal ancestors who at one time practiced shamanism.” Today, Shamanism is a general term that encompasses a variety of healing, spiritual, and ceremonial practices facilitated by a modern practitioner.  These practitioners are called many different things, not just Shamans.  They are called Light-workers, Healers, Medicine Men/Woman, Wisdom Keepers, and Spiritual Teachers. Shamanism is a global spiritual system that encompasses cross-cultural spiritual practices to address the spiritual needs of people everywhere.


Modern, or Western, Shamanism


Modern shamanism has roots in indigenous traditions from all over the world including North, Central and South America, Hawaii, Africa, Siberia, Asia, and Europe. These shamanic healers specialize in a wide variety of healing techniques, such as energy work, plant medicine, art, song, dream work, prayer, ceremony, and spirit journeys. Modern shamanic practitioners develop and master their relationship with Spirit to help themselves and others to heal and reach their greatest potential in this lifetime. This is why many of these practitioners are known as Shamans because they are creating the bridge between the spirit world and his/her community, just as the ancient shamans did.


The techniques modern shamanic practitioners primarily use are designed to add energy (soul retrieval), extract energy (extraction), or connect others to the spirit of plants, animals, crystals, sound, or to their own intuitive abilities. All of these techniques help the healing process of the individual client or the greater community.


Practices of Shamanism


Traditionally, shamanic practices were passed down in long and very complicated lineages involving many years of study or apprenticeship with rare exceptions. Modern shamanism is often learned from self-discovery, study with different teachers and guides, many years of self-study, and working one-on-one with the spirits to develop individualized techniques.


Areas of Study Covered in Each Shamanic Workshop:


·       Calling in the four directions, elements, ancestors, and guides to create sacred space.

·       Smudging to clear and welcome certain energies into the sacred space.

·       Creating protections and boundaries for the sacred space.

·       Shamanic journeying and working with totems.

·       Creating and building relationships with ancestors and guides.

·       Working with sacred tools for journeying and healing.

·       Creating and working with a mesa or medicine bundle.

·       Drumming and singing.


In each workshop, these techniques will be explained and practiced through the different aspects of the season/direction/element/moon phase. All students will learn, practice, and integrate through shared revelations. Each student will take home tools and suggestions for each aspect to better hone the skills of a practitioner.






In this workshop, we will work with the energies and the spirits of the East to manifest our dreams. Looking to the past and future, we will create new understandings and beginnings so that we might create the life we desire and learn practices for getting out of our own way and letting the light shine through.

Specific techniques include:

  • Deep work with ancestral lineage.

  • Seeing and cutting cords which are energy drains.

  • Breathwork.

  • Assisting those who are dying.

  • Symbolic Dismemberment as a Shamanic transformational process.

  • Bringing heaven to earth.

  • Journeying: standing, walking, drumming, and dancing.

  • Meeting celestial parents.

  • Meeting your future self.

  • Projecting into the future.





In this workshop, we will work with the energies and spirits of the south to shed the past and release all that no longer serves us so that we may begin to live in this present miracle that is now. We will clear our energy field through learning and practicing the healing tools of illumination and fire ceremony. We will discover our stories and create new ones.

Specific techniques include:

  • Learn and practice the illumination process as self-care and sacred healing for others.

  • Identify and learn your own story and how to create the story you want.

  • Storytelling as a healing tool.

  • Manifesting.

  • Fire as an ally.

  • Fire ceremony.

  • Full moon energy.






This workshop will focus on work with the energies and the spirits of the West to step beyond fear, drama, and heavy energies that block our experience of living life to the fullest. We will release toxic relationships in our life, embrace our shadow and turn it into an ally, and move beyond fearing death. We will create boundaries and protections.

Specific techniques include: 

  • Identify and transform inner critic and limiting beliefs.

  • Meet and illuminate core wounds.

  • Learn how to meet and be in a relationship with life's challenges.

  • Go beyond death: write your own eulogy.

  • Identify and extract intrusions and unwanted energies.

  • Spirit releasement.

  • Water ceremony.

  • Shapeshifting.

  • How to be seen and receive love.






In this workshop, we will work with the energies and spirits of the North to release limiting beliefs to become who we are meant to be. The roles that we have played in our lives that do not serve us will be released and replaced by roles that we create for the future.

Specific techniques include: 

  • Meet and release the ego, the idea of self, so that you might be free to become something new.

  • Learn to sing your own song and to hear and sing healing songs for others.

  • Learn to see the unseen, in waking trance.

  • Exploring Soul loss: why, how, when, and where?

  • Soul retrieval (4 techniques).

  • Integration after a soul retrieval.

  • Working with your ancestors to release old agreements and make new ones.

  • Work with light energy as a daily practice.


 Everyone can learn Shamanism, integrate shamanic principles into their everyday life, and journey into the spirit worlds for guidance, inspiration, and healing.  If you feel your heart being pulled in the direction of Spirit and you would like some guidance, you may consider taking our introductory workshops listed above.  They can be taken individually or you can take all four for more complete training. The training is designed to connect with the spirit world in order to bring about your healing.  If it is your destiny to heal others, you will be guided by your helping spirits. You’ll connect with your helping spirits and the spirit realms. You will be taught how to live in a spiritual way of life and gain ancient practices to help you live with integrity as a spiritual being.


About the Instructor

Stephanie Fredricksen Seborg

(Shamanic Healer, Reiki Master, LMT, Instructor, Quantum Healer)


I started my spiritual journey at an early age.  I was raised in a religion that didn’t suit me, so I started to question everything that I had been taught as a child.  In my teen years, I found that I was experiencing things that I didn’t know how to explain, such as hearing and seeing spirits who had passed, feeling nature at a much deeper level than anyone else I knew, and finding out that I could sense what others were feeling and thinking without them sharing those details with me. At that time I really had no one else to talk to about these things that were happening to me. Fortunately for me, I was able to discover and read books that had answers for me.

By the time I was in my mid-twenties, I had learned many things about myself and my gifts.  I had the chance to travel around the US to gain a wider perspective of the world, or at least my own country, and all the different people in it. I was exploring and learning about my connection with nature and animals. I had started a daily meditation practice, which helped to further my connection with Spirit.  I had no idea at that time that I was already learning from my spirit guides, but now that I look back I was being led in the direction of my life purpose.

At the age of 31, I started to experience some weird happenings with my body. I started to fall more regularly and was experiencing some numbness and tingling in my right leg. I decided that it was time to go see the doctor.  I had signs of balance issues, neuropathy in my right leg, memory issues, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, incontinence, and of course depression as a result of all the health problems that I was experiencing. It took the doctors 9 months to find the first major culprit… a large benign fatty tumor inside my lower spine, choking the life out of my spinal cord.  This is far from what I was expecting as, at that time, a 32-year-old woman.

That was a very challenging time in my life.  After having surgery to remove the tumor and experiencing the worst pain I had ever thought possible, I found out that I had another tumor that the doctors had found in my abdominal area that also needed to be surgically removed. Needless to say, I felt that it was the biggest test to my spirituality than I could have imagined.

This is when I sought a shaman who could help me to heal and bring me back to my spiritual gifts. I trained under a shaman elder, who had a long lineage of Siberian shamans in her family. We first started working with each other at a distance and then I was able to travel to her and train under her. She taught me that in modern times it was OK that I didn’t have my lessons passed down from my own ancestors.  She became my mentor and teacher for over a year, which led me back to being in tune with my spirit guides. It was just the boost I needed to shed old thought patterns that were causing me some mental and emotional issues. She taught me how to experience the death of ego, body, and everything that I knew or build up in my own identity. The teachings were so valuable to me and I have taken those lessons and applied them to my daily spiritual practice. That is where the real learning started!

Since that time, I have explored shamanism in many ways and have had the pleasure of meeting and working with many modern shamans, healers, medicine men/women, and energy workers. Through these interactions, I learned that I love this work and will continue to do it until I am gone from this physical existence. I have learned many different ways to connect with spirit and have loved every minute of it!

I have devoted my life to learning, developing my spiritual gifts, helping others to overcome their challenges, and teaching those who come and seek what I have to teach. Taking everything that I have learned over this life-long journey and applying it to my daily life and others’ lives have been the best and most rewarding part of my life thus far. Through my study and practice, I found empowerment, inspiration, strength, guidance, connection, and so much more. I want nothing more than to help others find their own life purpose in order to achieve their life and spiritual goals.

·       Tuition – $175/each workshop

·       Items provided for the workshop –

o   Journal for tracking dreams and journeys and pen

o   Small pouch for holding mesa items

·       Items you will need to bring –

o   Small items from nature that are sacred to you

o   Drum and/or rattle (optional)

o   Blanket or yoga mat that can be used either indoors or outdoors

o   Pillow for comfort

o   Water bottle

o   Snacks

o   notebook


If you are interested in taking one or more of our Shamanic workshops…